Thursday 12 July 2012

The Latest Arrival

Under the hood

Well I finally gave in.  I have not enjoyed a book like this in a while, my brain was just soaking up the knowledge like a sponge last night when trying the Kindle sample. Yup I have gone and done it and got the Windows Internals book.

I just love knowing what goes on under the hood as it were. I have a good understanding of Windows internals from studying the Win32 API and COM fundamentals in the late 1990s early 2000s but this will give a good up to date look into how it all hangs together.

I went for the fifth edition mainly because the sixth is split into two parts and is not that much of an incremental change (6.0 to 6.1 of Windows). Plus the second half of the sixth edition is not out yet and this covers bits I am particularly interested in, that and Server 2012 is on the horizon too so guessing I will go and become one with the couch shortly.

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